- This is a golden mantle ground squirrel. 这是只身上有金黄色的地鼠.
- A ground squirrel emerges into a field of wildflowers in the Canadian Rockies. 在加拿大的落基山脉里,一只地鼠在野花丛中冒出了地面。
- Serum T 3 and T 4 concentration did not change obviously during cold acclimation in Daurian ground squirrel. 冷驯化没有引起达乌尔黄鼠血清T3、T4含量的变化
- But seeing a small ground squirrel, a small ground squirrel of the cat soldiers who said: "The thirst thirsty? 但看到了小黄鼠,小黄鼠对猫兵们说:“渴不渴?”
- This is Richard Nafzger, a Goddard Space Flight Center engineer who was in charge of television processing from all of NASA's ground receiving sites. 他是戈德航空航天局一名负责所有的美国宇航局地面接收站影视资料传送的工程师。
- NATO's ground forces entered Kosovo unopposed, and most of those who died in the subsequent mission were victims of traffic accidents. 北约地面部队进入科索沃并未遭到抵抗,而在后续任务中的士兵牺牲又多因交通事故。
- The Pine Tree project has completed extensive environmental impact studies to monitor and protect threatened and endangered species including the desert tortoise and the Mojave ground squirrel. 松树项目已经完成了广泛的环境影响研究,以监测和保护可能受到威胁和危险的生物物种,包括沙漠龟和莫哈韦地面松鼠等。
- The idea of theory-laden observation proposed by Hanson has shift foundationalism"s ground and cast a doubt on objectivity. 历史主义学派自汉森开始引入“观察渗透理论”的观念,动摇了基础主义的根基,也使得观察客观性遭到质疑。
- The increase in casualties at Shifa followed Israel's 's ground incursion into Gaza, which it launched on Saturday night. 伴随着以色列对加沙的地面入侵,伤亡数字也在增加,加沙在星期天夜里也受到了导弹的袭击。
- Robert Gates worked his way up from the CIA's ground floor to the top job.He has served under six previous presidents, dubbing himself the “ultimate insider” in his memoirs. 他从中央情报局职员一路走到局长,在六位前总统手下做过事,他在文章中戏称自己为“终身会员”。
- The principles of microstrip balun and printed dipole were analyzed, and the antenna s ground plane was extended and shaped to form the reflecting structure. 分析微带巴伦和印制偶极子的工作原理,延伸并成形天线的地平面以得到反射结构。
- rather large central Eurasian ground squirrel. 欧亚大陆中部相当大的地松鼠。
- small ground squirrel of western United States. 美国西部的小型地松鼠。
- Ground squirrels live in underground nests often connected by tunnels. 地松鼠住在往往以地道连接的地下窝中。
- Geoffroy's ground squirrel n. 北非地松鼠
- Bornean mountain ground squirrel n. 山林长吻松鼠
- Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel n. 丽色黄鼠
- Daurian ground squirrel (Spermophihilus dauricus) 短光照
- Daurian ground squirrel (Spermophilus dauricus) 达乌尔黄鼠
- ground squirrel hepatitis B virus GSHBV